I have another question that's got me stumped...

The question of amendments to indictments is now mostly regulated by
A: Common Law
B: Statute
C: Local rules of court
D: Code.
I believe it's D but then again I can't decide it it might be B.
Can you direct me in the right direction?

Certainly! To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options you mentioned:

A: Common Law: Common law refers to the body of law derived from judicial decisions and custom, rather than statutes. While common law can address certain aspects of criminal law, it is less likely to specifically regulate amendments to indictments.

B: Statute: Statutes are laws enacted by legislative bodies. They provide specific rules and regulations that apply to various areas of the law. Statutes are commonly used to regulate criminal procedures and matters related to indictments. Therefore, it is plausible that the answer could be B.

C: Local rules of court: Local rules of court are rules specific to a particular court or jurisdiction that govern procedures and practices in that court. While local rules can provide guidance on the amendment of indictments, they may not necessarily encompass the entire regulatory framework for this matter.

D: Code: Codes are collections of laws organized by subject matter. In the context of criminal law, codes often govern procedural aspects, including the amendment of indictments. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider Code as a potential answer.

To pinpoint the correct answer, we can apply a process of elimination. Common Law and Local rules of court seem less likely based on their limited scope. This leaves us with Statute and Code. Both options can regulate the matter, but one is likely more prevalent and comprehensive.

Considering that criminal law is typically governed by statutory law, it is more probable that the amendment of indictments is mostly regulated by Statute (option B). Statutory laws are generally more extensive and provide a consistent framework across jurisdictions.

Remember, it is always a good idea to consult relevant legislation or legal resources to confirm the answer in specific jurisdictions, as laws can vary by country or state.