What is the ter for the political philosophy followed by Hilter and Mussolini that emphasized importance of the nation or of an ethic group and the supreme authority of the leader over that of the individual?


The term for the political philosophy followed by Hitler and Mussolini that emphasized the importance of the nation or ethnic group and the supreme authority of the leader over that of the individual is called fascism.

Fascism can be defined as an authoritarian and nationalist political ideology that seeks to create a centralized autocratic government led by a dictatorial leader. It typically stresses the superiority of the nation or ethnic group and often promotes aggressive, expansionist foreign policies.

To find this information, you can conduct a search on the internet using keywords such as "political philosophy of Hitler and Mussolini," "fascism definition," or "characteristics of fascism." Reputable sources such as academic journals, encyclopedias, or books on political ideologies will provide detailed explanations to understand the concept better.