Which color light is the result of a greater energy transition, red or blue?

To determine which color light is the result of a greater energy transition, we need to consider the relationship between energy and wavelength. The color of light is directly related to its wavelength, with shorter wavelengths corresponding to blue light and longer wavelengths corresponding to red light.

The energy of light is inversely proportional to its wavelength, meaning that shorter wavelengths have higher energy and longer wavelengths have lower energy. This relationship is described by the equation E = h * c / λ, where E is the energy of the light, h is the Planck's constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, and λ is the wavelength of the light.

Given this equation, we can see that since blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light, it will have a higher energy per photon. Therefore, blue light is the result of a greater energy transition compared to red light.

So, in conclusion, the color of light with a greater energy transition is blue.