My teacher made us learn about the cell and I need three sentences that would be considered data.

Here's the definition of data from

"individual facts, statistics, or items of information"

So -- you need to write three sentences that contain facts about cells.

omg this is the year i was born :O

Three sentences that could be considered data about cells are:

1. The average size of an animal cell is between 10 and 30 micrometers.
To gather this data, you would need to measure the size of various animal cells using a microscope and compare the results to find the average size range.

2. The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material, such as DNA.
To obtain this data, scientists have conducted numerous experiments and studies on cell structure, using techniques like staining and electron microscopy to visualize and study the components of a cell.

3. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall composed of cellulose.
To obtain this data, researchers have performed observations and experiments on plant cells, using different staining and imaging techniques to examine their structures and identify the presence of a cell wall.