can anyone help me with some of the names that Confucius taught?

Are you asking for the names of people whom Confucius personally taught?

Over the ages, Confucius teachings have influenced millions of people.

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Certainly! Confucius, also known as Kongzi, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and teacher who lived around 551-479 BC. He left behind a rich body of teachings and philosophical concepts known as Confucianism. One way to find some of the names associated with Confucius is by referring to the influential texts he authored or had a hand in shaping. The two most notable texts are the "Analects of Confucius" and the "Classic of Filial Piety."

To explore the names taught by Confucius, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Start by searching for "Analects of Confucius." This collection of sayings and conversations attributed to Confucius is the most important source for his teachings. Find a reliable translation or source to access the text.

2. Look for sections or chapters within the "Analects" that specifically mention names. For example, you might find discussions or dialogues involving specific individuals like Confucius' disciples, other philosophers, or historical figures.

3. Similarly, search for "Classic of Filial Piety." This text, although not directly authored by Confucius, is associated with his philosophy and emphasizes the importance of filial piety (respect for one's parents and ancestors).

4. Scan through the "Classic of Filial Piety" to identify any notable names mentioned. This text primarily focuses on illustrating the virtues of filial piety, so you might find references to individuals who exemplified this virtue.

By following these steps and studying the "Analects of Confucius" and the "Classic of Filial Piety," you can gain insight into some of the names that Confucius taught and discussed.