Is the principal of the printing press still active in today's modern, high-tech society? Also, would our democratic institutions have been impossible to develop without the mass circulation of knowledge that the printing press enabled?

Yes. The principle of the printing press is still active -- with millions of books, magazines and newspapers published each year. And I still print out information I want to study and/or keep from the internet. Our printers are variations of the printing press.

I doubt if we could have developed our democratic institutions without the printing press and a literate population.

Yes, the principal of the printing press is still active in today's modern, high-tech society. While the specific technology has evolved over time, the basic concept of mass-producing written materials remains a fundamental component of our society. We now have advanced digital printing methods that allow for quick and efficient production of books, newspapers, and other printed materials.

As for the impact of the printing press on democratic institutions, the mass circulation of knowledge that it enabled played a crucial role in the development of democracy. Before the printing press, books were manually copied, making them expensive and accessible only to a privileged few. With the invention of the printing press, the cost of producing books significantly reduced, leading to a wider distribution of knowledge.

This increased access to information helped empower individuals, allowing them to engage in political discourse, challenge authority, and form their own opinions. The printing press facilitated the spread of ideas, leading to the development of independent thought, educational reforms, and the rise of the public sphere. These factors laid the foundation for democratic ideals by providing the means for people to actively participate in public life, debate societal issues, and contribute to the development of democratic institutions.

In summary, the printing press played a pivotal role in the development of democratic ideals by enabling the mass circulation of knowledge and empowering individuals to participate in public discourse. While the technology has evolved, the core principles of mass production and dissemination of information continue to shape our modern society.