The Odyssey - characteristics

The proagonist is heroally larger than life, often the source and subject of legend or a national hero.

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explain how the poem reflects the characteristics

You'll be writing a LONG paper to explain that!

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To answer your question about the characteristics of the protagonist in "The Odyssey," we need to examine the epic hero and his role in the story. An epic hero is a character who embodies the ideals and values of a culture and undergoes a journey or quest that involves great challenges, often on a grand scale.

In "The Odyssey," the protagonist is Odysseus, who fulfills the role of the epic hero. He possesses several characteristics that make him larger than life and the subject of legend:

1. Exceptional strength and prowess: Odysseus is depicted as having great physical strength and skill in battle. He is known for his exploits during the Trojan War, where he devised the cunning plan of the Trojan Horse to infiltrate and conquer the city of Troy.

2. Intelligence and cunning: Odysseus is not only physically capable but also exceptionally clever and cunning. He uses his wits and strategic thinking to overcome challenges and outsmart his enemies. One famous example is his encounter with the Cyclops, Polyphemus, where he tricks him to escape.

3. Endurance and determination: Odysseus demonstrates incredible resilience and perseverance in his journey back home to Ithaca. Despite facing numerous setbacks, obstacles, and temptations, he remains focused on his goal of returning to his homeland and his family.

4. Divine assistance and intervention: Odysseus often receives help from the gods and goddesses, particularly Athena, who guides and protects him throughout his journey. Their support adds to the heroic nature of his character.

5. Flawed and complex personality: While Odysseus is a hero, he is not without flaws. His excessive pride, or hubris, causes some of his challenges and delays in his journey. His complex nature makes him a relatable and multidimensional character.

To analyze and identify these characteristics, readers should read "The Odyssey" by the epic poet Homer. This ancient Greek literary work presents the story of Odysseus' long and arduous journey home after the Trojan War. By studying the epic, readers can explore the narrative and observe the protagonist's heroic qualities and actions firsthand.