Under the platt amendment, the united states________.

a. promised to stay out of the internal affairs of Cuba
b. revoked the protectorate status of cuba
c. gave cuba independence, under restrictive conditions
d. acquired the island of Jamaica and Puerto rice.
i know that platt amendment limited Cuba's independence. They also gave the right to US to intervene to make a stable government and they were under pressure by the United States.

The correct answer is c. gave Cuba independence, under restrictive conditions.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the Platt Amendment and its historical context. The Platt Amendment was an amendment to the 1901 Cuban Constitution, and it was imposed by the United States following the Spanish-American War. Its purpose was to exert control over Cuba's affairs and protect American interests in the region.

To find the answer, we can rule out options a and b: the Platt Amendment did not promise to stay out of the internal affairs of Cuba, nor did it revoke Cuba's protectorate status.

Option d is also incorrect, as the Platt Amendment did not grant the United States the acquisition of Jamaica or Puerto Rico.

This leaves us with option c, which is the correct answer. The Platt Amendment granted Cuba independence but with certain restrictive conditions. These conditions included provisions to allow the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs, maintain military bases on Cuban land (Guantanamo Bay), and exert significant influence over Cuban policies. These conditions limited Cuba's sovereignty and made it effectively a protectorate of the United States.