In the program Turing, how would you move an box randomly around the screen. This is what I have so far:

for row: 3..10
for column: 10..30
locate (row,column)
put " "..
end for

I think this creates a box. How would I move this box across the screen by only using randint and delay?

You would need to create two variables, one for row and one for column. Each variable would be assigned a random integer within the range that you listed above.

how would you write that?

(I don`t have the program with me)

var row,column: int

randint (row,3,10)
randint (column,10,30)
locate (row,column)
put " "..

i`m actually very new at this so i`m very confused

I am not familiar with the exact syntax of the language you are using. But in pseudo code, it appears you have the right idea.

To move the box randomly around the screen in Turing using the `randint` and `delay` functions, you have the right idea with the nested loop to create the box. However, you will need to update the position of the box within each iteration of the loop to achieve the desired random movement.

Here's an example of how you can modify your code:

var row, column := 3, 10
locate(row, column)
put " " ..

var direction := randint(1, 4)
if direction = 1 then
row -= 1 % Move up
elsif direction = 2 then
row += 1 % Move down
elsif direction = 3 then
column -= 1 % Move left
elsif direction = 4 then
column += 1 % Move right
end if

delay(500) % Adjust the delay time as needed
end loop

In this example, the code is placed within a loop to continuously move the box. The `direction` variable is randomly generated using `randint` with a range of 1 to 4. Each number represents a specific direction (1 for up, 2 for down, 3 for left, and 4 for right).

Inside the loop, an `if-elsif` conditional statement is used to update the `row` and `column` variables based on the randomly chosen direction. The `-=` and `+=` operators are used to modify the variables accordingly.

Finally, the `delay` function is added to introduce a delay between each movement of the box. The duration of the delay can be adjusted by changing the argument given to `delay`. In the example above, it is set to 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds), but you can change it as needed.

Overall, this code will generate a random direction for the box to move and update its position accordingly, creating the effect of a randomly moving box on the screen.