Doing a crosswor puzzle dealing with plot, characters, setting, etc. The clue is "part of the plot the goes back in time" There are 9 letters needed, with the third and seventh letters being an "A".


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To find the answer for the crossword puzzle clue "part of the plot that goes back in time" with 9 letters and the third and seventh letters being an "A," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the key information:
- Length: The answer has 9 letters.
- Known letters: The third and seventh letters are "A".

Step 2: Use online crossword solvers:
Online crossword solvers, such as crossword dictionaries or anagram finders, can be helpful in quickly finding potential answers. You can search for "online crossword solver" in your preferred search engine to find various options. Once on a crossword solver website, enter the known letters (in this case, "A__A___A_") and set the length to 9. Then click on "Solve," "Search," or similar options to get results.

Step 3: Analyze the potential answers:
The crossword solver will provide a list of potential words that fit the given criteria. Look for words that have "A" as the third and seventh letters while also having a total length of 9.

Some possible answers might be:
1. Flashback
2. Rearrange
3. Parabolas
4. Rataplans
5. Saltbaths

Step 4: Evaluate the options:
Consider the context of the crossword puzzle and the other intersecting letters to determine the most suitable answer.

Since the clue mentions going back in time, the most fitting answer is likely "Flashback."

Keep in mind that these suggestions are just possibilities, and it's crucial to consider the other words already filled in the puzzle to ensure accurate results.