Guy $1.00=US $0.01 and EC $1.00 =US $0.37

Calculate the value of:
1)Guy $60,000 n US $
2)US $925 in EC $

why not set up a simple ratio?

1. 60000/1 = n/.01
n = 600

2. EC/1 = 925/.37
EC = 2500

Your answer is similar to mine thank you

To calculate the value in US dollars, you can use the exchange rates provided:

1) Guy $60,000 in US dollars:
Since 1 Guy $1.00 = US $0.01, we need to multiply Guy $60,000 by the conversion rate:
US $0.01 x Guy $60,000 = US $600

Therefore, Guy $60,000 is equivalent to US $600.

2) US $925 in EC dollars:
Since 1 EC $1.00 = US $0.37, we need to multiply US $925 by the conversion rate:
US $925 x (1/US $0.37) = EC $2500

Therefore, US $925 is equivalent to EC $2500.

To calculate the value of different currencies, you need to use the exchange rates provided. In this case, the given exchange rates are Guy $1.00 = US $0.01 and EC $1.00 = US $0.37.

1) To calculate the value of Guy $60,000 in US dollars, we can use the given exchange rate Guy $1.00 = US $0.01:

US $1.00 = Guy $1.00 / (US $0.01/Guy $1.00)
US $1.00 = Guy $1.00 / 0.01
US $1.00 = Guy $100.00

So, US $1.00 is equal to Guy $100.00. To find the value of Guy $60,000 in US dollars, we can multiply Guy $60,000 by the conversion factor:

US $60,000 = Guy $60,000 * US $1.00 / Guy $1.00
US $60,000 = Guy $60,000 * 1/100
US $60,000 = US $600

Therefore, Guy $60,000 is equal to US $600 based on the given exchange rates.

2) To calculate the value of US $925 in EC dollars, we can use the given exchange rate EC $1.00 = US $0.37:

EC $1.00 = US $1.00 / (US $0.37/EC $1.00)
EC $1.00 = US $1.00 / 0.37
EC $1.00 = US $2.70

So, US $1.00 is equal to EC $2.70. To find the value of US $925 in EC dollars, we can multiply US $925 by the conversion factor:

EC $925 = US $925 * EC $1.00 / US $1.00
EC $925 = US $925 * 2.70
EC $925 = EC $2497.50

Therefore, US $925 is equal to EC $2497.50 based on the given exchange rates.