for a painting or song, just the last name, right?

Yes, just the last name of the author or painter.


Thanks very much for all your help! It's been a learning experience, and now I am more confident citing. Thanks again.

The requirement of using only the last name for crediting a painting or song depends on the specific context and guidelines set by the artist, record label, or publication. There is no universal rule that restricts the use of just the last name for crediting purposes.

For paintings, it is common to credit the artist by their full name, especially when referencing famous artworks. However, sometimes only the last name might be used for brevity or when referring to well-known artists, such as "Picasso" or "Monet." In academic or formal contexts, it is generally recommended to use the full name of the artist to ensure clarity.

Similarly, when crediting a song, it is customary to include the songwriter(s) and performer(s) by their full names. However, popular musicians like Madonna, Beyoncé, or Adele are often referred to by their last names only, as they are widely recognized by their unique monikers. Again, depending on the specific guidelines or style guide in use, it may be necessary to provide the full name.

To determine the appropriate way to credit a painting or song, it is best to consider the context, audience, and any specific instructions provided by the artist or the platform where it will be presented.