what is unit rate???


what does 7p4 mean?



A unit rate is a ratio that compares two different quantities in terms of one unit. It tells you how much of one quantity there is for every one unit of another quantity. In other words, it shows the amount of one item or value that corresponds to a single unit of another item or value.

To find the unit rate, you need to divide the quantity you want to measure by the corresponding unit. For example, if you want to find the unit rate of how many miles a car can travel per hour, you would divide the number of miles by the number of hours. The resulting ratio will tell you how many miles the car can travel for each hour.

To better understand unit rates, let's look at an example. Suppose a car travels 150 miles in 3 hours. To find the unit rate of miles per hour, you would divide 150 miles by 3 hours:

Unit rate = 150 miles / 3 hours
= 50 miles per hour

So, the unit rate in this example is 50 miles per hour, which means the car can travel 50 miles for every 1 hour of driving.

Unit rates are useful for comparing different items or values when they have varying units. They allow you to make meaningful comparisons by standardizing the measurement unit.