What is a geographical midpoint (defintion wise)?

A geographical midpoint, also known as the geographic center, is the point on the Earth's surface that is equidistant from all other points. It can be determined by calculating the average latitude and longitude of a set of locations or by using specialized algorithms.

To find the geographical midpoint of a specific set of locations, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Collect the latitude and longitude coordinates of all the locations in your set.
2. Calculate the average latitude by summing up all the latitudes and dividing the total by the number of locations.
3. Calculate the average longitude by summing up all the longitudes and dividing the total by the number of locations.
4. The resulting average latitude and longitude will give you the approximate geographical midpoint of the set of locations.

Keep in mind that this method provides a simplified approximation of the geographical midpoint, as the Earth is not a perfect sphere and its surface is irregular. For more precise calculations, other algorithms that take into account the curvature of the Earth can be used.