Here is my intro paragraph to my AP English 12 FINAL paper. I feel like it's really weak and short for a paper that's supposed to be 10 pages long. Please help!

Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, and Arundhati Roy, the author of The God of Small Things, both employ similar writing styles in their respective novels. Since both of the novels are classified in the same genre, magical-realism, it is not inconceivable that the literary techniques of idiosyncratic capitalizations, personification, and elaborate similes are found abundantly in both. The use of these techniques keeps the narration exciting; managing to keep the plot morally strenuous as well as imaginatively supple.

Two things -- one technical, the other rather major.

1. Replace the semicolon in the last sentence with a comma. You don't have two complete sentences on each side of the semicolon. You also need a comma after "strenuous."

2. Why are you worrying about the complete introduction before writing the first draft of the body of your paper? All you should be concerned with until you're almost finished with the paper is the thesis statement. If I take the last sentence above as your thesis statement, it's OK -- not complete yet, but OK.

So ... do you have a plan or an outline (use it like a roadmap) for your entire paper? If not, that's what you need to do next. Don't worry about finalizing the introduction, but do make sure your thesis statement is a good one.

Once you have a good, complete plan (outline), then dive into the first draft of the body of your paper. This should be the bulk of your time and energy. Once you have it drafted, revised, etc., THEN you should deal with the introduction.

And don't worry about the length of the intro. For one of my major grad school papers, I used a really significant quotation from the book my paper was based on (The Brothers Karamazov) and took off from there. But using the particular quotation didn't occur to me until I was well into writing the paper itself.

To strengthen your intro paragraph for your AP English 12 final paper, you can consider incorporating the following elements:

1. Start with a captivating and attention-grabbing opening sentence. This will immediately engage your reader and set the tone for your paper. For example, you could begin by highlighting a thought-provoking quote from one of the authors or a statement about the enduring power of magical-realism in literature.

2. Provide some context about Salman Rushdie and Arundhati Roy as renowned authors within the magical-realism genre. Explain briefly why their books, Midnight’s Children and The God of Small Things, have gained critical acclaim and recognition.

3. Clearly state the main objective or argument of your paper. What specific aspect or theme of the novels are you going to explore? This will give your reader a clear understanding of what to expect in the following pages.

4. Use specific examples from the novels to support your points and emphasize the similarities in writing styles. Instead of only mentioning the techniques of idiosyncratic capitalizations, personification, and elaborate similes, provide specific examples from both novels to illustrate how these techniques contribute to the excitement, moral complexity, and imaginative prowess of the storytelling.

5. Consider discussing the significance or impact of the writing styles on the reader's experience. How do these techniques enhance the themes or messages conveyed in the novels? This will demonstrate your critical thinking and analysis skills.

By incorporating these elements, you can create a stronger and more comprehensive intro paragraph that sets a solid foundation for your 10-page paper. Remember to maintain a clear focus and organization, as well as to transition smoothly from one idea to the next throughout your essay. Good luck!