Can someone tell me what they want when they say "type of visible light"? The plants were in a window and received the morning sun.

What type of visible light is made available to for plants grown under the clear, red, or blue plastic?


I need to know the "type of visible light?" Is it sunlight?

sunlight is fine, that's what they used in the experiment that I saw. I did something more complicated with this but in another experiment with spinach circles.

When someone refers to the "type of visible light," they are referring to the specific wavelengths or colors of light that are part of the visible spectrum. The visible spectrum consists of the range of wavelengths that our eyes can detect, typically ranging from about 400 to 700 nanometers.

To determine the type of visible light available to plants grown under different conditions, we need to understand how different materials or filters affect the wavelengths of light that reach the plants. In this case, the plants are grown under clear, red, or blue plastic, and you want to know what type of visible light is made available to them.

To answer this question, we can use a concept called selective light transmission. Different materials or filters have the property of selectively allowing certain wavelengths of light to pass through while blocking others. Clear plastic usually does not filter specific wavelengths significantly, so it allows most of the visible spectrum to pass through. Therefore, plants grown under clear plastic would receive the full range of visible light.

On the other hand, red and blue plastics are specifically designed to filter out certain wavelengths of light. Red plastic filters out some of the shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue and green, while allowing longer wavelengths, including red, to pass through. Blue plastic, as the name suggests, filters out longer wavelengths, like red and green, while allowing shorter wavelengths, specifically blue, to transmit.

In summary, plants grown under clear plastic receive the full spectrum of visible light, while plants grown under red plastic primarily receive red light, and plants grown under blue plastic primarily receive blue light. The specific wavelengths of light that are made available to the plants depend on the properties of the plastic used.