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Harper Clinic's filling system generates a gap in the filing space when medical records are moved forward to the most recent assiged medical record number. Which type of the numbering filing system does this clinc use ?

To determine which type of numbering filing system Harper Clinic uses, we need to understand the different types of systems and how they work. Let's go through the main types of filing systems to identify which one matches the description provided:

1. Straight numerical filing system: In this system, each medical record is assigned a unique number in numerical order. If Harper Clinic were using this system, there wouldn't be any gaps in the filing space when records are moved forward.

2. Terminal digit filing system: In this system, the last digits of the medical record number are most significant. For example, if the record number is 123456, the last three digits (456) have more importance than the first three digits (123). However, in the terminal digit filing system, gaps could occur if medical records are not consistently moved forward in numerical order.

3. Alphabetic filing system: In this system, medical records are organized alphabetically by patient's last name. As the description provided does not mention anything about an alphabetic arrangement, we can exclude this option.

Based on the information provided, it is likely that Harper Clinic uses a terminal digit filing system. This system would explain why there are gaps in the filing space when records are moved forward, as medical records are not necessarily filed in strict numerical order.

However, please note that this is an educated guess based on the given information. To confirm with certainty, it would be best to contact Harper Clinic directly or consult their official documentation or employees who are responsible for maintaining their filing system.