
the answer (m) is $600. what is the process for getting the answer?



so the 4/4 comes from the original m?

the way you did it is completely opposite from how i learned.

i thought that i would subtract 1/4m and cancel that out, then subract 1/4 from m.

He basically did the same thing he subtracted m from both sides. Both are valid ways.

To solve the equation m - ($50)9 = 1/4m and find the value of m, we'll use the following steps:

Step 1: Distribute the multiplication
We distribute the negative 9 to the terms inside parentheses: m - ($50 × 9) = 1/4m
This simplifies to: m - $450 = 1/4m

Step 2: Move all m terms to one side of the equation
To do this, we'll add 1/4m to both sides of the equation:
m - $450 + 1/4m = 1/4m + 1/4m
This simplifies to: 5/4m - $450 = 0

Step 3: Combine like terms
To combine the m terms, we'll convert the fractions to have a common denominator:
Multiply both sides of the equation by 4 to eliminate the fractions:
4 × (5/4m - $450) = 4 × 0
This simplifies to: 5m - $1800 = 0

Step 4: Move the constant term to the opposite side of the equation
To do this, we'll add $1800 to both sides:
5m - $1800 + $1800 = 0 + $1800
This simplifies to: 5m = $1800

Step 5: Solve for m
We'll isolate m by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:
(5m)/5 = ($1800)/5
This simplifies to: m = $360

Therefore, the correct answer for m is $360, not $600.