I am looking for a lesson plan on "What Makes Us Grow" for my Early Childhood Education Class. I have never done one and was hoping to find an example. It is for the a class size of 15 children and I have to include objectives, time required, materials, learning activities, measures for evaluation, and any teacher resource information. If you are still around to help me with this problem that would be great. Thank You Very Much

Here's a previous answer to your question.


need some ideal to do my lesson plan about what makes us grow in health unit

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with this! Creating a lesson plan on "What Makes Us Grow" for your Early Childhood Education class can be an exciting opportunity to engage children in learning about human development and personal growth. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can go about creating the lesson plan:

1. Objectives:
- To introduce the concept of growth and development.
- To identify different factors that contribute to personal growth.
- To promote self-awareness and self-reflection.

2. Time required:
- Approximately 45-60 minutes.

3. Materials:
- Picture books or visual aids on growth and development.
- Paper and writing materials.
- Art supplies (such as crayons, markers, and construction paper).
- Age-appropriate videos or interactive media (optional).

4. Learning Activities:
a. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Begin the lesson by asking the children if they have noticed any changes in themselves over time, such as getting taller, stronger, or learning new things.
- Engage them in a brief discussion about what it means to grow and develop.

b. Storytelling or Group Reading (15 minutes):
- Read a picture book or use visual aids that emphasize personal growth and development, such as "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle or "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds.
- Pause occasionally to ask open-ended questions, encourage interactions, and promote critical thinking.

c. Group Discussion and Reflection (10 minutes):
- Lead a group discussion about different factors that contribute to personal growth, such as positive relationships, learning opportunities, perseverance, and a healthy lifestyle.
- Encourage children to share their experiences and observations related to growth and development.

d. Art Activity (15 minutes):
- Provide art supplies and ask children to create a visual representation of themselves showing how they have grown and changed over time.
- Encourage creativity and self-expression, and discuss their artwork with the class.

e. Conclusion and Closure (5 minutes):
- Recap the key points discussed during the lesson.
- Ask children to reflect on what they have learned and how they can continue to grow and develop in the future.

5. Measures for Evaluation:
- Observe children's engagement and participation during the lesson.
- Assess their ability to share personal experiences and reflections on growth.
- Evaluate their creativity and understanding through the art activity.
- Use informal assessments, such as class discussions and individual conversations, to gauge their comprehension of the topic.

6. Teacher Resources:
- Look for additional age-appropriate books, videos, or online resources on growth and development.
- Plan for follow-up activities, such as journaling, role-playing, or interactive games, to further reinforce the concept of growth in the classroom.

Remember, this is just a sample lesson plan and can be adapted to suit your specific needs and the age group you're teaching. I hope this helps you get started, and best of luck with your lesson planning!