What is a vertex? for example, there is a triangle with the point of it circled. the book asks if it's a vertex. i looked it up on google and dictionary, but i don't get it. thanks for any help!

I found this on Google.

The figure formed by three segments joining three noncollinear points. Each of the three points is a vertex of the triangle and the segments are the sides.


wow, that was simple! thanks so much!

You're very welcome. :-)

A vertex is a point or a corner where lines, edges, or curves meet in a geometric shape. In the case of a triangle, it has three sides and three angles. Each of these angles corresponds to a vertex, as they are the points where two sides meet. So, in the context of your question, the circled point on the triangle could potentially be a vertex.

To determine if the circled point is a vertex, you can visually inspect the triangle and count the number of sides that meet at that point. If exactly two sides intersect at the circled point, then it is a vertex. If only one side meets at that point, it would not be considered a vertex.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the concept of a vertex for you!