A rectangle has a width of 2(square root of 5)and an area of 50 cm^2. Find the length of the rectangle. Does anyone know how to explain this problem?

L x W = Area

2√5L = 50
L = 50/(2√5)
x = appr. 11.2 cm

(check: 11.2 x 2√5 = 50.08)

meant to say

L = appr. 11.2 cm

The back of my book says the answer is 5(square root of 5) cm

Find 3 different composite numbers whose GCF (Greatest Common Factor) is 1? (Hint- A composite number factors other than 1 and itself.)

5√5 is appr 11.2 like I had

my exact answer was 25/√5

multiply top and bottom by √5 to get
= 25√5/5
= 5√5

that helped me in more ways than one. THANKS.

To find the length of the rectangle, you can use the formula for the area of a rectangle, which is given by:

Area = Length x Width

In this case, the area of the rectangle is given as 50 cm^2, and the width is given as 2(square root of 5) cm. Therefore, we can substitute these values into the formula and solve for the length as follows:

50 = Length x 2(square root of 5)

To isolate the length, divide both sides of the equation by 2(square root of 5):

50 / 2(square root of 5) = Length

Now, we need to simplify the expression on the right-hand side. Since the denominator has a square root, we need to rationalize it by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the square root of 5, which is also the square root of 5. Doing this, we get:

50 / 2(square root of 5) * (square root of 5) / (square root of 5) = Length

Simplifying further:

Length = (50 * square root of 5) / (2 * square root of 5)

Canceling out the square roots, we get:

Length = 25 / 2

Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 25/2 cm, or 12.5 cm.