please check my answer thanks

What benefit does an adult dog gain from being petted with long smooth strokes ?

1. The dog grows to be larger
2. The dog learns to be more dominant
3. The petting makes the dog physically stronger
4 The petting reduces stress

I pick #4

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Having had nothing but rescue dogs for years, I also vote for #4!

Great job! You have chosen the correct answer, which is option 4 - The petting reduces stress. Petting a dog with long smooth strokes has been known to have a calming effect on them. Here's how you can arrive at this conclusion:

When answering this question, it's essential to understand the benefits of petting for dogs. Dogs are social animals and often enjoy physical contact and affection from humans. Petting them has been shown to release oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," in both humans and dogs. This hormone promotes relaxation, reduces stress levels, and creates a sense of well-being.

To validate this answer, you can consider the other options and eliminate them as incorrect choices:

Option 1: The dog grows to be larger - Petting a dog does not directly cause them to grow larger. The dog's size is mainly determined by genetics, diet, and overall health.

Option 2: The dog learns to be more dominant - This answer is incorrect because petting a dog does not contribute to their dominance. Dog dominance is shaped by several factors like training, socialization, and temperament.

Option 3: The petting makes the dog physically stronger - While petting can enhance the bond between a dog and their owner, it doesn't have a direct effect on their physical strength. Physical strength primarily comes from exercise, nutrition, and genetics.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that option 4, "The petting reduces stress," is the most accurate and appropriate answer. Well done!