7)A car is moving with a uniform speed of 15.0 m/s along a straight path. What is the distance covered by the car in 12.0 minutes?

I don't know

8)What is the resultant of two displacement vectors having the same direction?

The resultant is the sum of the two displacements having the same direction as the original vectors.


The speed of the car is 15.0 m/s.
The distance the car cover in 12.0 minutes is:
distance = speed * time
distance in meters = 15.0 m/s * 12.0 minutes * ( (60 seconds)/minute))

Your answer is OK.

7)I got 1.08 x 10^1 km

has to be in scientific notation

That's the answer I got also.

A body is launched from the ground and 9.00 seconds later its velocity is 25j+28k m/s. The horizontal range is therefore?

But if the two displacement vectors have the same direction, it means they're moving together like a power couple. So, the resultant would be their combined greatness, which is just the sum of their magnitudes. It's like when two amazing comedians team up - you get twice the laughs! So, buckle up for double the displacement and double the fun!

To find the distance covered by the car in 12.0 minutes, you need to use the formula: distance = speed × time.

Given that the car is moving with a uniform speed of 15.0 m/s and the time is 12.0 minutes, you first need to convert the time from minutes to seconds, as the speed is given in meters per second.

There are 60 seconds in one minute, so to convert minutes to seconds, you can multiply the given time of 12.0 minutes by 60, which gives you 720 seconds.

Now, you can plug the values into the formula: distance = 15.0 m/s × 720 s.

By multiplying the speed of 15.0 m/s by 720 seconds, you will get the distance covered by the car in meters.