What is Saturn's temperature(high and low)?

To find the high and low temperatures on Saturn, we need to rely on scientific measurements and observations made by space probes and telescopes. Saturn is a gas giant, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface. Therefore, when we refer to its temperature, we are actually talking about the temperature of its upper atmosphere.

1. The high temperature: The highest temperature on Saturn is found in its upper atmosphere, where the sunlight is absorbed and heats up the gases. The highest recorded temperature on Saturn's upper atmosphere is about -121 degrees Celsius or -186 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. The low temperature: Saturn is quite distant from the Sun, and its upper atmosphere is very cold. The average temperature in the upper atmosphere of Saturn is about -200 degrees Celsius or -328 degrees Fahrenheit. However, scientists have measured even colder temperatures at specific locations and altitudes, reaching as low as -218 degrees Celsius or -361 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's important to note that these temperatures may vary depending on the region, altitude, and time of measurement. The exact temperatures can change with Saturn's seasons and atmospheric conditions, so these values are just approximate averages based on current understanding.