Can I have a list of all the different types of Gaelic currently spoken in the UK? I see that my friend has already submitted a similar question!

Both, actually! Thanks!

Thank you a lot!

Certainly! To determine the various types of Gaelic currently spoken in the UK, we can follow these steps:

1. First, we need to identify the distinct forms of Gaelic. In the UK, there are two main branches: Scottish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic. These two branches have evolved separately over time.

2. Scottish Gaelic, also known as Gàidhlig, is spoken in Scotland. It is a Celtic language and has been recognized as an official language in Scotland since 2005. It is primarily spoken in the Scottish Highlands and Hebrides. Scottish Gaelic has several dialects, including North-East dialect, West Highland dialect, Southern dialect, and many more.

3. Manx Gaelic, or Gaelg, is spoken on the Isle of Man. It is the native language of the Manx people. Although Manx Gaelic faced a period of decline, efforts to revive and preserve the language have been successful in recent years. The current number of fluent speakers is relatively small but increasing.

So, in summary, the types of Gaelic currently spoken in the UK are Scottish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic.

It's worth noting that there are similarities between Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic (spoken in Ireland). They both belong to the Goidelic branch of the Celtic languages, which is distinct from the Brythonic branch that includes Welsh, Cornish, and Breton.