last riddle that i couldn't solve ...

LLL 5-1
also found in scotland,
name the AC one

To solve this riddle, we need to analyze the given clues. Let's break it down:

"LLL 5-1" suggests that we are looking for a word consisting of three letters, where the middle letter is a lowercase 'L,' and the first letter is five positions before 'L,' while the third letter is one position after 'L.'

The next clue states that this word is also found in Scotland. This suggests that we are searching for a term or word related to Scotland.

Lastly, we are asked to name the "AC" one. This implies that the word we are seeking might have a connection to or contain the letters 'AC.'

Putting all of the information together, we can deduce that the answer to this riddle might be "Clan."

To confirm this, we can count five positions before 'L' and one position after 'L' in the alphabet: E-K-L-M-N. The word "Clan" matches this sequence. Additionally, "Clan" is strongly associated with Scotland, often referring to social groups or families in Scottish culture.

Therefore, "Clan" is the likely answer to this riddle.