another riddle

an elephant in a day ,
but most worrying is 349,
seek out the name

To solve this riddle, we need to analyze the given clues and try to find a name that relates to them. Let's break it down:

1. "An elephant in a day": This phrase suggests it has something to do with time or a specific day.

2. "Most worrying is 349": This indicates that the number 349 might be significant in finding the answer. It could refer to a specific number that is worrying or concerning.

Now, let's try to put these clues together to find a name that fits the riddle.

One possibility is that "349" is a clue pointing us to the 349th day of the year. If we consult a calendar or use a tool that calculates dates, we can determine that the 349th day of the year falls on December 15th (or December 16th on a leap year).

With this in mind, we can now consider a name associated with December 15th or December 16th. One notable name linked to this date is Ludwig van Beethoven, a famous composer whose birthday is on December 16th.

So, the possible answer to this riddle could be "Beethoven" or "Ludwig van Beethoven," given the connection between the date (349th day) and his birthday.

Remember, riddles can have multiple interpretations and answers, so this is just one possible solution based on the clues given.