What is it called if you get pain in you leg when you walk and the pain stops if rest ?


cramp, claudication, PVD= peripheral vascular disease???

The condition you are describing is commonly known as "intermittent claudication." Intermittent claudication is a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is a narrowing or blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the legs.

To arrive at this answer, I followed these steps:

1. Understood the symptoms: You described pain in the leg that occurs when walking and stops with rest.
2. Identified potential causes: Since pain during walking is related to blood flow, I considered circulatory issues as the likely cause.
3. Evaluated the most common condition: Intermittent claudication is the hallmark symptom of PAD, a condition where the arteries supplying the legs become narrowed or blocked by fatty deposits.
4. Cross-referenced the information: To confirm, I verified that intermittent claudication indeed refers to leg pain during walking that subsides with rest.

Please note that while this information can help you understand the condition, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.