complete each of the following synthesis reactions by writing both a word equation and a chemical equation

a) sodium + oxygen---------> ___________
b) Magnesium + Fluorine ------->_______

this is dumb

Magnesium + fluorine yields magnesium fluoride.

Mg + F2 ==> MgF2

so a would be Sodium + oxygen yields Sodium Oxide?

Na + O2 --------> NaO2?

Sodium is +1. O is -2 so the forumla for sodium oxide is Na2O. Actually, sodium + oxygen yields sodium PERoxide which is Na2O2 BUT I suspect sodium oxide may be the answer the prof is looking for. You must be the judge of that.

when this question was written I was only 1 years old, now i am a freshman in high school. the dude who wrote this is probably well done college by this point, and they very likely could have a family. that's crazy.

To complete the synthesis reactions and write their word and chemical equations, we need to identify the products formed when the given reactants are combined.

a) Reactants: Sodium + Oxygen
Word equation: Sodium + Oxygen --> Sodium Oxide
Chemical equation: 4Na + O2 --> 2Na2O

Explanation: In the synthesis reaction between sodium and oxygen, sodium combines with oxygen to form sodium oxide. The balanced chemical equation shows that four atoms of sodium (Na) combine with one molecule of oxygen gas (O2) to produce two formula units of sodium oxide (Na2O).

b) Reactants: Magnesium + Fluorine
Word equation: Magnesium + Fluorine --> Magnesium Fluoride
Chemical equation: Mg + F2 --> MgF2

Explanation: When magnesium reacts with fluorine, it forms magnesium fluoride. The balanced chemical equation indicates that one atom of magnesium (Mg) combines with one molecule of fluorine gas (F2) to yield one formula unit of magnesium fluoride (MgF2).