what does this, ~, mean?

approximately. about.

I wish. That is what I thought too. It is on a project as (4!/~4)-4^2+4. Any idea to that?

Thanx anyway though!

The symbol "~" is called a tilde. It has various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few common uses:

1. In mathematics, the tilde represents an equivalence relation. For example, if you see "a ~ b," it means that "a" is equivalent to "b" in some sense.

2. In computer programming, the tilde has different uses depending on the programming language. For instance, in some programming languages, it is used to denote bitwise complement (flipping the bits of a binary number).

3. In computer file systems, the tilde is often used as shorthand to represent the user's home directory. For example, in Unix-based systems, "~" refers to the current user's home directory, so "~/Documents" would be the "Documents" folder in that user's home directory.

4. In informal writing, the tilde is sometimes used to denote approximation. For instance, "~10 minutes" means approximately 10 minutes.

It's important to consider the specific context in which the tilde appears to understand its meaning accurately.