President Taft's secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, disapproved of conservationist controls of western lands? true or false if false then what.

president taft's secretary of interior, rotchard a. ballinger, disapproved of conservationist controls of western lands


To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to examine the relationship between President Taft's secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, and the conservationist controls of western lands.

During President Taft's administration, there was a split within the Republican Party regarding conservation policies. On one side, there were conservationists, such as Gifford Pinchot, who supported strict regulations and preservation of natural resources. On the other side, there were those who believed in utilizing western lands for economic development.

Richard A. Ballinger, President Taft's secretary of the interior, was known for his stance in favor of development on public lands. Therefore, the statement is false. Richard A. Ballinger approved of the utilization and development of western lands, which went against the conservationist controls supported by Gifford Pinchot and other prominent figures.

To fact-check this information, you can refer to historical records, biographies, or other reputable sources that discuss the political dynamics during President Taft's administration.