Is this a run-on sentence?

I thought about what he'd said soon I realized he was right.


No, it is not a run-on sentence, but it is reversed. It should read, As soon as I realized he was right, I thought about what he'd said.

GuruBlue is correct that it's better if you rephrase it.

As you wrote it, it's a run-on, but it isn't smoothly fixed without revision.

Are these run-on sentences also:

A. I went home and ate and ate.
B. Before lunch, I played volleyball; after lunch, I played again.
C. You and I and the whole team will go.

None of these are run-ons.

A = simple subject, compound verb

B = compound sentence joined with semicolon

C = compound subject, simple verb

Thanks so much for all the help!

You're welcome!


B And c i think

Yes, the sentence "I thought about what he'd said soon I realized he was right" is a run-on sentence.

To identify run-on sentences, we need to look for two independent clauses that are not properly joined or separated. In this case, "I thought about what he'd said" and "I realized he was right" are the two independent clauses.

To correct this run-on sentence, you have a few options. One way is to separate it into two sentences:

"I thought about what he'd said. Soon, I realized he was right."

Another option is to use a coordinating conjunction to join the two independent clauses:

"I thought about what he'd said, and soon I realized he was right."

You could also use a semicolon to separate the independent clauses:

"I thought about what he'd said; soon, I realized he was right."