what kitchen utensil or equipment starts with the letter "A"

apple corer

aluminum pan

and atomizer!

It took a while to think of this word!

Main Entry: [1]au·to·clave
Pronunciation: 'o-tO-"klAv
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from aut- + Latin clavis key —more at CLAVICLE
Date: 1876
: an apparatus in which special conditions (as high or low pressure or temperature) can be established for a variety of applications; especially : an apparatus (as for sterilizing) using superheated steam under high pressure

To find a kitchen utensil or equipment starting with the letter "A," you can try a few methods. One approach is to think of common kitchen utensils and equipment that start with "A" such as apron, blender, or apple corer. Alternatively, you can search for a comprehensive list of kitchen utensils or equipment online. Websites such as cooking supply stores or kitchenware websites often have categories or lists of different kitchen tools, making it easier to find ones that start with a specific letter. Similarly, you can search for an alphabetized list of kitchen utensils or equipment, either from websites or in cookbooks. Another option is to consult a kitchen dictionary or glossary, which typically includes a variety of culinary terms and tools.