During an emergency roon exam for an injured arm,the doctor palpates the arm's entire length,starting at the shoulder and ending at the fingers of the hand. What is this process called

I was wondering if anyone knows a good website where I can find out thanks

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is the definition from the Medical Dictionary:

Definition of Palpate

Palpate: To touch or feel. For example, the edge of an enlarged liver may be palpated below the rib cage. From the Latin "palpare" (to stroke or to pat). Just as the Latin word means to touch or feel lightly, that is how a doctor palpates the abdomen.

A. Right to left

B. proximal to distal
C. anterior to ventral
D. coronal to transverse

The answer is B.

The process that the doctor is performing during the emergency room exam is called palpation. Palpation is a physical examination technique where a healthcare professional uses their hands and fingers to feel or touch different parts of the body to assess for abnormalities, tenderness, or other relevant information. In this case, the doctor is palpating the arm's entire length, starting from the shoulder and ending at the fingers of the hand to assess for any pain, swelling, or other potential injuries.

As for finding a good website for information, one reliable source is the Mayo Clinic website (mayoclinic.org). Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical organization renowned for its expertise and wide range of health resources. Their website provides reliable and evidence-based information on various medical topics, including injuries, conditions, treatments, and preventive measures. When searching for information online, it is important to prioritize sources from reputable medical institutions or healthcare professionals to ensure accuracy and reliability.