How many syllabic consonants are there?

Are n,m,r,l all syllabic consonant?
Would you give me example words?

To determine the number of syllabic consonants, we need to understand what syllabic consonants are. In phonetics, a syllabic consonant is a consonant sound that serves as the nucleus of a syllable, functioning as a vowel. Syllabic consonants are indicated by a diacritic mark called the syllabic diacritic, which looks like a small vertical line beneath the consonant symbol.

Not all consonants can be syllabic. Typically, the consonants that can be syllabic are nasals (/m/, /n/, /ŋ/), liquids (/l/, /r/), and sometimes the sibilant /z/. The most common syllabic consonants are /n/, /l/, and /r/.

Here are some examples of words that contain syllabic consonants:

1. Syllabic /n/ examples:
- listen /ˈlɪs.n̩/
- button /ˈbʌt.n̩/
- kitten /ˈkɪt.n̩/

2. Syllabic /m/ examples:
- rhythm /ˈrɪð.m̩/
- prism /ˈprɪz.m̩/
- autumn /ˈɔː.təm/

3. Syllabic /r/ examples:
- bird /bɜːrd/
- purple /ˈpɜːr.pəl/
- surfer /ˈsɜːr.fər/

4. Syllabic /l/ examples:
- bottle /ˈbɒt.l̩/
- middle /ˈmɪd.l̩/
- struggle /ˈstrʌɡ.l̩/

Remember, not all occurrences of these consonants are syllabic. Syllabic consonants only occur when they function as the nucleus of a syllable.