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The radiologist is able to evaluate the movement of body organs by doing what procedure

A. Ultrasound
C. Film survey
D. Fluroscopic exam

I picked A

To verify if your answer is correct, let's go through the options and process of elimination.

A. Ultrasound: This imaging technique uses sound waves to create real-time images of the body's internal organs. It can provide information about their structure and movement. So, this option seems relevant to evaluating the movement of body organs.
B. MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's structures. While it can provide valuable information about organ anatomy, it may not specifically focus on evaluating organ movement.
C. Film survey: A film survey is a general term that doesn't specify a particular imaging procedure, making it less likely to be the correct answer.
D. Fluoroscopic exam: Fluoroscopy involves real-time X-ray imaging, which can capture the movement of certain body parts, organ systems, or functions.

Based on this analysis, option A (Ultrasound) indeed seems to be the most appropriate choice for evaluating the movement of body organs. Your answer seems correct.