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Dividing Real Numbers
16 / (-2) * (-4) / 2 3power + 4
4 – (-3) +1 / 2 –2 / (-2)

Multiplying Real Numbers
(-3)(-6) + (4) (-2)
(-3)3power – (-8)(-2)
(-6)2power - 4 2power
-9 2power - (-6)2power

To divide real numbers, follow these steps:

1. Simplify any divisions or multiplications inside parentheses first.

Let's solve the first expression: 16 / (-2) * (-4) / 2^3 + 4

Step 1:
16 / (-2) * (-4) / 8 + 4

2. Perform the multiplications and divisions in order from left to right.

Step 2:
-8 * (-4) / 8 + 4

Step 3:
32 / 8 + 4

3. Perform any additions or subtractions in order from left to right.

Step 4:
4 + 4

Step 5:

Therefore, the result is 8.

Now let's solve the second expression: 4 – (-3) + 1 / 2 – 2 / (-2).

Step 1:
4 - (-3) + 1 / 2 - 2 / (-2)

Step 2:
4 + 3 + 1 / 2 - 2 / (-2)

Step 3:
7 + 1 / 2 - 2 / (-2)

Step 4:
7 + 1 / 2 + 1

Step 5:
7 + 0.5 + 1

Step 6:

Therefore, the result is 8.5.

To multiply real numbers, follow these steps:

1. Multiply the numbers together.

Let's solve the first expression: (-3)(-6) + (4)(-2).

Step 1:
18 + (-8)

Step 2:
18 - 8

Step 3:

Therefore, the result is 10.

Now let's solve the second expression: (-3)^3 – (-8)(-2).

Step 1:
-27 - 16

Step 2:

Therefore, the result is -43.

Now let's solve the third expression: (-6)^2 - 4^2.

Step 1:
36 - 16

Step 2:

Therefore, the result is 20.

Lastly, let's solve the fourth expression: -9^2 - (-6)^2.

Step 1:
-81 - 36

Step 2:

Therefore, the result is -117.