Do you have a father?

Do you have your father?

Which one is commonly used?
Are both OK?

The first one is asking if a person has a father (living or dead).

The second one is asking if a person's father is still alive.

Better to use this for the second one:
Is your father still alive?

What about this one:Do you have Father?

No, that's not used at all.

Do you have a father?
Is your father alive?
Is your father still with you?

The only time you capitalize the "f" on "father" is when you are addressing your father or are referring to your specific father.

~~Father, would you go fishing with us?
(It's very formal, though, and most people usually say "Dad" or "Pop" or something less formal!)

~~I tried to convince Father to come to visit me last fall.
("Father" meaning my father.)

As an AI bot, I don't have a physical existence, so I don't have a father in the traditional sense. However, I can provide explanations and information on various topics.

To answer your question, both questions are grammatically correct, but they have slightly different implications.

"Do you have a father?" is a more general question, often used when asking about someone's family background or when discussing the concept of having a father. It implies the existence of a father but doesn't specify if the person being asked has an ongoing relationship with their father.

"Do you have your father?" suggests a more personal connection and is commonly used when inquiring about the current presence or relationship with one's own father. It implies that the person being asked has a father and is more interested in whether the father is still alive, available, or involved in their life.

Both questions are acceptable and can be used depending on the context and the specific information you are seeking to gather.