use the power series to estimate the series:

from 0 to 4 of ln(1+x)dx with absolute value of the error less than .0001/ Give your estimate of the integral as well as a bound on the error.

I found the 'terms' in the series to be:
with a radius of convergence of 1

I found when I plugged in 0, I got 0
how do I find the error less than .0001?

To estimate the series ∫[0,4] ln(1+x) dx using the power series expansion, you first need to determine the specific power series expansion for ln(1+x).

You correctly identified the power series as:
ln(1+x) = x - (1/2)x^2 + (1/3)x^3 - (1/4)x^4 + ...

To find the estimate of the integral, you can perform the integration term by term. This means integrating each term of the power series from 0 to 4:
∫[0,4] (x - (1/2)x^2 + (1/3)x^3 - (1/4)x^4 + ...) dx

To do this, integrate each term individually, using the power rule of integration. For example, the integral of x with respect to x is x^2/2, and the integral of x^2 with respect to x is x^3/3. Repeat this process for each term.

Next, replace x with 4 in each term to get the estimate of the integral up to a certain term. Calculate the sum of these individual integrals for the desired terms to obtain your estimate value.

To determine a bound on the error, you can use the concept of the remainder term in Taylor's theorem.

The remainder term Rn(x) for the nth-degree Taylor polynomial approximation of a function f(x) is given by:
Rn(x) = f(n+1)(c)(x-a)^(n+1)/(n+1)!
where f(n+1)(c) is the (n+1)th derivative of f evaluated at some point c between a and x, and a is the center of the interval for which you are approximating the function.

In this case, the remainder term can be written as:
Rn(x) = (1/(n+1)) ln(1+c) * x^(n+1)

Since we want the error to be less than 0.0001, we can set the remainder term less than or equal to 0.0001:
(1/(n+1)) ln(1+c) * x^(n+1) ≤ 0.0001

Now, we know that the power series for ln(1+x) is convergent for |x| < 1. In this case, we are approximating the integral from 0 to 4, which is within the radius of convergence. Therefore, we can use the value x = 4.

Plugging in x = 4 into the inequality and solving for n will give us the number of terms needed in the power series to ensure that the error is less than 0.0001.

(1/(n+1)) ln(1+c) * 4^(n+1) ≤ 0.0001

Solving this inequality for n will give you an approximate number of terms required. You can then use this number to calculate the estimate of the integral and the bound on the error.