The jelly Junior school color is made by mixing red paint and yellow paint. The ratio of red to yellow is 3 to 5. How much red paint should be mixed with 20 oz of yellow?

You can set up a ratio like this, with x = the amount of red paint:

3/5 : x/20

Cross multiply: 5x = 60

Solve: x = 12

To find out how much red paint should be mixed with 20 oz of yellow, we need to calculate the ratio of red to yellow and apply it to the given amount of yellow paint.

The ratio of red to yellow is 3 to 5. This means that for every 3 parts of red paint, we have 5 parts of yellow paint.

Let's calculate the amount of red paint needed:

Red paint = (Total parts of red paint / Total parts of the mixture) * Amount of yellow paint

Total parts of the mixture = 3 parts red + 5 parts yellow = 3 + 5 = 8

Red paint = (3 / 8) * 20 oz
Red paint = 60 / 8
Red paint ≈ 7.5 oz

Therefore, 7.5 oz of red paint should be mixed with 20 oz of yellow paint.

To determine how much red paint should be mixed with 20 oz of yellow, we first need to find the ratio of red to yellow paint. It is given that the ratio of red to yellow is 3 to 5.

Let's set up a proportion to solve for the amount of red paint.

Let the amount of red paint be "x" ounces.

The proportion can be written as:

3/5 = x/20

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

3 * 20 = 5 * x

60 = 5x

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = 60/5

x = 12

Therefore, 12 ounces of red paint should be mixed with 20 ounces of yellow paint.