I've learned that the difference between domain and range is.....domain is the set of possible X values and range is the set of possible Y values. also, a domain is the values that a function maps "from" and the range is the values that a function maps "to"

I am having difficulty describing a real-life situation that could be modeled by a function.


How about rainfall during a year? The number of births at a hospital during a year? How about the relationship betwen height and weight as a child ages? The amount of calories consumed daily vs. weight? Adult weight vs. running speed? (Do I seem consumed with concern over weight?)

Although this is not my area of expertise, I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you come up with a real-life situation that can be modeled by a function.

First, let's review what a function is. In mathematics, a function is a rule that takes one or more inputs and assigns a unique output to each input value. So, for every input value, there is exactly one corresponding output value.

Now, let's think about a situation that can be described using a function. One example could be the relationship between time spent studying and the grades achieved by students. We can model this situation using a function where the input, in this case, is the amount of time spent studying, and the output is the corresponding grade obtained.

For instance, suppose we have a student who spends different amounts of time studying for a math test. We could plot the time spent studying (input) on the x-axis and the grade obtained (output) on the y-axis. The function could describe how the grades change as the time spent studying changes.

In this case, the domain would represent the possible values for the time spent studying (e.g., 0 hours to 10 hours), and the range would represent the possible grades achieved (e.g., 0 to 100). Each input (time spent studying) would have a unique output (grade achieved), demonstrating the concept of a function.

I hope this example helps illustrate how a real-life situation can be modeled by a function. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!