Design a GUI java application which dsipalys data of an array made from objects of three classes "students", "employee" and "officer" which all inherit from "person".

To design a GUI Java application that displays data of an array made from objects of the "Students," "Employee," and "Officer" classes, which all inherit from the "Person" class, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create the Person class and its subclasses
- Create a Java class named "Person" that serves as the base class for "Students," "Employee," and "Officer" classes.
- Implement the necessary attributes and methods in the "Person" class (e.g., name, age, toString()).
- Create the "Students," "Employee," and "Officer" classes that inherit from the "Person" class.
- Add specific attributes and methods relevant to each subclass.

Step 2: Create an array of objects
- In your GUI application, create an array to store the objects of the "Person" class.
- Populate the array with instances of "Students," "Employee," and "Officer" objects.

Step 3: Design the graphical user interface (GUI)
- Create a GUI framework using Java's Swing or JavaFX libraries.
- Decide on the layout and components (e.g., labels, tables) needed to display the data.
- Use appropriate components to display and organize the array data visually.

Step 4: Define event handling
- Implement event handling for necessary actions, such as button clicks or menu selections.
- Use the appropriate event listeners (e.g., ActionListener) to interact with the data.

Step 5: Display the data in the GUI
- Retrieve the data from the array and display it in the GUI components.
- Iterate through the array using loops to access each object's attributes.
- Update the GUI components with the relevant data.

Step 6: Handle user interactions
- Implement functionality to allow users to interact with the displayed data.
- For example, provide search or sort functionality to filter or rearrange the data displayed.

Step 7: Compile and run the application
- Compile the code to ensure there are no syntax errors.
- Run the application to test its functionality.
- Make any necessary adjustments or improvements based on the tested output.

By following these steps, you can successfully design a GUI Java application that displays data from an array of objects belonging to the "Students," "Employee," and "Officer" classes, all of which inherit from the "Person" class.