Can anyone help me with the introduction for an essay that I am writing. It's on what is the theme of Sonnet XXX by Edna St. Vincent Millay?..."Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink". I'm also having trouble coming up with a good body paragraph.

This site will tell you how to write an introduction.

Check out the other sections at this site.

However, you can't write an intro until you decide what you want to write about.
Here is where you need to make some notes on the poem. What does the author want to tell you? How does she/he do it? How effective is the poet?

After you have done this, then you will have your intro and your thesis statement. THEN, you will be able to write that paragraph to prove your thesis.

When you have written your rough draft, please repost and we will be happy to give you further suggestions.

Certainly! Let's start with the introduction for your essay on the theme of Sonnet XXX by Edna St. Vincent Millay. To craft a strong introduction, you should aim to provide some background information about the poem, briefly mention its overall message, and set up your thesis statement. Here's an example:

"Love is a complex emotion that holds different meanings and associations for each individual. In Edna St. Vincent Millay's Sonnet XXX, titled 'Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink,' the speaker challenges the traditional notions of love's importance and explores the multifaceted aspects of human desires and needs. In this essay, we will delve into the various themes present in the poem, examining how Millay presents love as more than just the conventional necessities of life and invites readers to contemplate the intrinsic value of other experiences. Through nuanced language and vivid imagery, Sonnet XXX effectively conveys the complexities of love and raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of human desires."

Now, let's move on to the body paragraph. A good approach for this paragraph could be to analyze the poem's structure, language, and imagery. Here's an example of a body paragraph you can use as a reference:

"One of the prominent features in Sonnet XXX is the use of contrasting imagery to highlight the speaker's perspective on love as well as their existential musings. Throughout the poem, Millay presents love as 'not meat nor drink,' emphasizing that it does not fulfill our basic physical needs, like sustenance. Instead, the poet employs evocative language and vivid imagery to suggest that love encompasses a range of emotional intricacies. For instance, when Millay writes, 'Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain,' she juxtaposes the idea of love against tangible comforts like sleep and shelter, suggesting that love transcends physical securities and touches upon the core of human longing. By strategically employing contrasting images, Millay invites readers to consider love from a holistic perspective, provoking us to reflect on the significance of emotional and spiritual fulfillment in our lives."

Remember, this is just one possible way to approach your essay. Feel free to modify and adapt these examples to suit your writing style and the direction you want to take with your analysis.