I have to compare and contrast two (any two) theories or concepts of ethics by providing 2-3 pages of a thorough discussion and exaples of my arguement. How can I write so many pages on something that's hard to understand?

Let's start with you explaining which two theories or concepts of ethics you want to compare and contrast.

We'll be glad to help you from there.

Any two, not any specific two

"Any two" allows you to specify whichever two you want to discuss. Make your choices and post your work to get feedback.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

some exampls of ethics

Writing a 2-3 page thorough discussion on complex concepts like theories or concepts of ethics may seem challenging at first, but with a structured approach, it can be broken down into manageable parts. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write a comprehensive essay:

1. Choose two theories or concepts of ethics: Begin by selecting two ethical theories or concepts that interest you or are relevant to your course. You could consider theories like Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, Virtue ethics, or concepts like subjective and objective ethics.

2. Research and gather information: Start by conducting in-depth research on both theories or concepts. Read academic articles, books, or reliable online sources to gain a thorough understanding of their principles, origins, proponents, and critics. Take detailed notes while researching and highlight key points and examples that you find compelling.

3. Understand the theories or concepts: Break down each theory or concept into its fundamental principles. Identify how they differ or overlap with each other. Pay attention to their core ideas, moral values, and perspectives on ethical decision-making. Understanding these key aspects will form the basis of your comparison.

4. Develop an outline: Create an outline to organize your thoughts and arguments. Start with an introduction where you provide a brief overview of the two theories or concepts you'll be discussing. Then, dedicate separate sections to each theory or concept, explaining their principles, key arguments, and examples. Finally, conclude by summarizing your findings and highlighting any similarities or differences you discovered.

5. Explain the theories or concepts: Start each section by introducing the theory or concept in question. Explain their key principles, the main philosophers associated with them, and their foundational ideas. Support your explanations with references to the sources you found during your research. Use clear and concise language to make the content more accessible.

6. Provide examples and illustrations: To enhance your discussion, bring in real-world examples or hypothetical scenarios that illustrate how each theory or concept is applied in practice. For instance, if discussing Utilitarianism, you could present a case study where an individual has to make a moral decision based on the greatest happiness for the greatest number. These examples will help your readers better understand the practical implications and consequences of each theory or concept.

7. Compare and contrast: In the comparative section, highlight the similarities and differences between the two theories or concepts. Address questions such as: How do they approach ethical dilemmas? What are their contrasting principles or perspectives? How do they prioritize different moral values? Provide clear examples and evidence to support your comparison.

8. Draw conclusions: In the conclusion, summarize the main points you've discussed and restate the similarities or differences you found. Reflect on the strengths and limitations of each theory or concept and offer your own analysis or opinion. If possible, suggest areas where these theories or concepts could be integrated or improved.

9. Revise and edit: Once you've completed your draft, review it for coherence, clarity, and logical flow. Ensure that your arguments are well-supported, and examples are relevant and effectively explained. Check for any grammar or spelling errors and make necessary revisions to polish your essay.

Remember, it's crucial to allow ample time for research, planning, and revision. Breaking down the task into smaller steps and approaching it systematically will help you write a thorough and well-structured essay on the chosen theories or concepts of ethics.