Two neutron stars are separated by a distance of 10^14 m. They each have a mass of 10^30 kg and a radius of 10^5 m. They are initiall at rest with respect to each other.

How fast are they moving when their seperation has decreased to one-half its initial value?
How fast are they moving before they collide?

Let R be the initial separation and r be thr radius of each.

The initial potential energy is
PE1 = -GM^2/R

When the separation is R/2, the potential energy is
PE2 = -2GM^2/R

The reduction in potential energy, GM/R^2, is converted to kinetic energy equal to
2 *(1/2) M V^2, where V is the velocity of each towards the center of mass. Solve for V

V^2 = GM/R
V= sqrt(GM/R)

G is the universal constant of gravity.

When they collide, the potential energy reduction is
GM^2[(1/r) - (1/R)]

Set that equal to 2(1/2) M V'^2 for the velocity of each, V'.

If it is close to the speed of light, a relativistic equation should have been used.

To calculate the speed of the neutron stars as their separation decreases, we need to apply the law of conservation of energy and use the principles of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

1. First, let's find the initial potential energy (U_initial) of the system when the neutron stars are separated by a distance of 10^14 m.
- The gravitational potential energy is given by the formula: U = -G * (m1 * m2) / r, where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the neutron stars, and r is the separation distance.
- Plugging in the values, we have U_initial = -G * (10^30 kg * 10^30 kg) / (10^14 m).

2. Next, we can find the initial kinetic energy (K_initial) of the system.
- Since the neutron stars are initially at rest, their initial kinetic energy is zero.

3. The total initial energy (E_initial) of the system is the sum of potential and kinetic energy, which is given by E_initial = U_initial + K_initial.

4. As the separation distance decreases to half its initial value (5 x 10^13 m), the potential energy decreases and the kinetic energy increases. At some point, the potential energy will be converted entirely into kinetic energy (assuming no other external forces act on the system).

5. To find the final kinetic energy (K_final) of the system, we subtract the final potential energy (U_final) from the initial energy (E_initial). Since U_final is zero (as all potential energy is converted to kinetic energy), K_final = E_initial.

6. Finally, we can calculate the speed of the neutron stars at each stage:
- The kinetic energy (K) is given by the formula: K = (1/2) * (m1 * v1^2 + m2 * v2^2), where v1 and v2 are the velocities of the neutron stars.
- Rearranging the formula, we have: (m1 * v1^2 + m2 * v2^2) = 2K.
- Plugging in the values, we obtain: (10^30 kg * v1^2 + 10^30 kg * v2^2) = 2K_final.

7. Since the masses of the neutron stars are equal, we have v1 = v2 = v.
- Substituting this into the equation, we have: (2 * 10^30 kg * v^2) = 2K_final.
- Solving for v, we find the speed of the neutron star.

To calculate their speed before collision, we need to consider conservation of momentum.

8. The initial momentum of the system is zero since the neutron stars are initially at rest.

9. When the neutron stars collide, their combined mass will be 2 * 10^30 kg (sum of their individual masses).

10. The final momentum of the system is given by the equation: p_final = (m1 + m2) * v_final, where v_final is the speed of the neutron stars just before collision.

11. Since momentum is conserved, we have the equation: p_initial = p_final, where p_initial is zero.

12. Substituting values, we get: 0 = (2 * 10^30 kg) * v_final.

13. Solving for v_final gives us the speed of the neutron stars just before collision.

Remember, these equations and calculations provide a general framework. You would need to plug in the specific values given in the problem to find the actual numerical answers.