How do I determine the isotonic state of a grape cell, the point at which no water would enter or gain a cell?

I did an experiment including grapes in which I got these results (can someone post the link without the spaces?)

h t t p : / / i 2 5 . t i n y pi c. c o m / 2 m o v v x i. j p g

and I did this best fit line graph (click on next link) But I don't know how to find the isotonic state of the grape cell. h t t p : / / i 2 5 . t i n y p i c . c o m / s m p x 1 j . j p g

To determine the isotonic state of a grape cell, you need to analyze the data from your experiment and the graph you created.

From the first link you provided (, it appears that you conducted an experiment where you introduced grape cells to solutions with different concentrations of a substance, possibly a solute. The image shows three test tubes labeled A, B, and C, each containing grape cells in a different solution. It seems that the concentration of the solute is increasing from test tube A to test tube C.

To find the isotonic state of the grape cell, you will need to determine the concentration of the solution where no net movement of water occurs. In other words, this is the point where the grape cell is in a state of equilibrium and there is no overall gain or loss of water.

To analyze the graph from the second link you provided (, it appears to be a best fit line graph showing the change in mass of the grape cells at different concentrations of the solute. The x-axis likely represents the concentration of the solute, while the y-axis represents the change in mass of the grape cells.

To find the isotonic state on the graph, look for the point where the line intersects or levels off. This indicates that the change in mass is minimal or approaching zero, suggesting that the grape cells are in an isotonic state at that particular concentration of the solute.

Identify the concentration value on the x-axis where the point of intersection or leveling off occurs. This concentration represents the isotonic state of the grape cells, as no net water movement is observed.

Unfortunately, I am unable to access the specific images you provided links to. However, by following the steps mentioned above and examining the graph yourself, you should be able to determine the isotonic state of the grape cell.