Genetic question

If a man with blood type A, one of whose parents had blood type O, marries a woman with blood type AB, what will be the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type A?,+blood+type&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=7&gl=us&ie=UTF-8

To determine the theoretical percentage of their children with blood type A, we need to understand the inheritance patterns of blood types. In humans, blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

There are four blood types: A, B, AB, and O. These blood types are determined by the combination of two alleles inherited from parents. The A and B alleles are dominant, while the O allele is recessive.

Now, let's analyze the blood types of the parents in question:

1. The man has blood type A, which means he has two possible combinations of alleles: either AA or AO. Since his parent had blood type O, we can conclude that his genotype is AO (A from one parent, O from the other).

2. The woman has blood type AB, which means she has the combination of A and B alleles (genotype AB).

To determine the possible blood types of their children, we need to consider the possible combinations of alleles from both parents:

The man can contribute an A (from his AO genotype) or an O (from his AO genotype).

The woman can contribute an A (from her AB genotype) or a B (from her AB genotype).

Therefore, the possible genotypes of their children would include:

1. If the man contributes an A allele and the woman contributes an A allele: AA blood type.
2. If the man contributes an A allele and the woman contributes a B allele: AB blood type.
3. If the man contributes an O allele and the woman contributes an A allele: AO blood type.

Since there are three possible genotypes for their children that include the A allele (AA, AB, and AO), we can conclude that there is a theoretical percentage of 100% for their children to have blood type A.

In summary, the theoretical percentage of their children having blood type A is 100%.