hello everyone...i just has a general question. I am trying to study for physics. The chapter is contains potential energy, conservative, non conservative, kinetic energy. They have a definition of each , but i still don't have a better understanding of them. I cant defferential between them. I need examples, pictures or something to help me visulalize it in order to understand it. or even a simplified definition of each would help as well...thanks everyone...u guys are best :)

If a mechanical system is conservative, the loss of potential energy goes into kinetic energy and any loss of kinetic energy shows up as potential energy.

In other words, the sum of potential and kinetic energy is constant in a conservative mechanical system.
If energy leaves the mechanical system, for example is conducted and radiated away as heat energy, then the sum of kinetic and potential energy in the mechanical system decreases.
An example of a conservative physics problem is a rock falling off the cliff until it hits the ground. If air resistance is ignored (note you have to say that to keep the problem conservative) any m g h lost becomes (1/2) m v^2 and the sum of potential (mgh) and kinetic (1/2)m v^2 energy is constant all the way down. at any height h we can calculate v from that relationship.
When the rock hits the ground, the whole analysis falls apart. The potential energy is gone and the kinetic enrgy is gone., both probably as heat in the earth and a slight warming of the rock.


Hello! I understand that you're looking for a better understanding of potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces, and kinetic energy in physics. Let's start with some simplified definitions for each concept:

1. Potential Energy: Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its position or state. It is stored energy that has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy. The amount of potential energy an object has depends on its position relative to other objects or its internal state. Common examples include gravitational potential energy (related to an object's position in a gravitational field) and elastic potential energy (associated with the stretching or compression of objects like springs).

2. Conservative Forces: Conservative forces are forces that do work on an object, but the work done is independent of the path taken. This means that the total mechanical energy of an object (which is the sum of its potential and kinetic energy) remains constant when acted upon by conservative forces. Examples of conservative forces include gravity, elastic forces, and electrostatic forces.

3. Non-conservative Forces: Non-conservative forces are forces that do work on an object, and the amount of work done depends on the path taken. These forces can change the total mechanical energy of an object by converting it into other forms of energy (such as heat or sound). Examples of non-conservative forces include friction, air resistance, and drag.

Now, let's try to visualize these concepts with some examples:

Potential Energy: Imagine a ball at the top of a hill. It has gravitational potential energy because it is elevated above the ground. As the ball rolls down the hill, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (the energy of motion).

Conservative Forces: Consider a pendulum swinging back and forth. The gravitational force acting on the pendulum is a conservative force. As the pendulum swings, its potential energy (at the highest point of the swing) is converted into kinetic energy (at the lowest point of the swing) and vice versa. The total mechanical energy of the pendulum remains constant as long as only conservative forces are acting on it.

Non-conservative Forces: Take a block sliding on a rough surface. The frictional force between the block and the surface is a non-conservative force. As the block moves, friction does work against its motion, converting its kinetic energy into heat energy. This results in a decrease in the block's total mechanical energy over time.

Remember, visualizing these concepts can help you understand them better, but it's also essential to practice solving problems and applying these principles.