
=(4 sqroot81)
= (3)

I should have put:

simplify expression

Did I do this right?

To get the answer to the expression 81^(1/4), you need to understand the concept of exponentiation and the rules of fractional or rational exponents.

In this case, 81^(1/4) means taking the fourth root of 81. The exponent 1/4 indicates that you need to find a number that, when raised to the power of 4, equals 81.

To find this number, you can use your knowledge of perfect fourth powers. A perfect fourth power is a number that can be obtained by multiplying a number by itself four times. In this case, you want to find the fourth root of 81.

Since 3 multiplied by itself four times equals 81, you can conclude that the fourth root of 81 is 3. So, 81^(1/4) equals 3.

Therefore, the answer to 81^(1/4) is indeed 3.