Draw a line between the two peple finding out who is introducing whom.

Is this sentence above grammatical?
Would you let me know if the expression is correct or not?

As written, it seems as if by drawing the line you'll figure out who is introducing whom. But that doesn't make sense. How about this:

Draw a line between the two people once you find out who is introducing whom.


OK. Thank you. what about the following?

Draw a line between the two people While(or as) you find out who is introducing whom.

Ahhhh, good. And your choice would be "as" rather than "while" -- nice correction.


To determine if the sentence "Draw a line between the two people finding out who is introducing whom" is grammatically correct, we can break it down and analyze it.

1. "Draw a line between the two people": This part of the sentence is grammatically correct. It gives a clear instruction to draw a line between two individuals.

2. "finding out who is introducing whom": This part of the sentence is also grammatically correct. It uses the present participle form "finding out" to describe an ongoing action of discovering or determining who is introducing whom.

Therefore, the entire sentence "Draw a line between the two people finding out who is introducing whom" is grammatically correct.

If you have other expressions or sentences that you want me to analyze, please let me know.